he answer to overbuying products in your household.

Research and Synthesis

After looking at the data on the rate of roommates and talking to both Kyle and Brooke, I realized that they both had two common problems and reasons. They both wanted to save money and are tired of throwing away food. I also noticed the increase for married couples to have roommates.
Roommate User Flow



I wanted to start with a flow targeted for consumers that have roommates first. Because after analyzing the data that showed even married couples have roommates, this app would mostly be focusing and beneficial towards that market.
The idea is simple — an app for roommates to shop together and not to buy the same product, food, or things around the lawn at the same time. This will avoid texting and waiting for a reply when you are trying to leave the store already.
**Currently Being Updated
Protoype Being Tested**

Next Steps
Create a more visual prototype to be tested.
Add a payment method system to be able to transfer money for a particular product.
Have an inventory sheet that can track how much and who has bought what products throughout the week.
Do more studies on married couples to see if it would be useful.
the Problem
I have always noticed when visiting friends home that with roommates that there are at least three or more ketchup bottles and condiments in the fridge. Several bags of vegetable and fruit, and cartons of milk and coffee creamers. I then started noticing my friends that are married having a similar problem with over buying when one or the other was to busy to text back. At the same time, the other was in the market, already causing more overbuying.

the Solution
Create and test an app that would help form an instant communication between you and your roommates or spouse, so you do not overbuy, and you do not have to wait for a response to make sure someone didn't get picked up like "milk" for example." The app would also create a log on to what someone bought and when.
the Personas
Kyle & Morgan | Roommates
-Kyle has been living with a roommate for three years to save money and likes the company at times.
-The most significant issues have been his roommate is lazy, does not clean, eats his food, and will not buy things when asked.
-His roommate will only order cleaning supplies online, so he doesn't have to go to the store.
-They have no list system in place, so about 20-25% of food has to will be thrown out each month.

The Process
It's known that every UX Designer will have the standard steps 6 steps on completing a task for a stakeholder are:
The Brief
The Research
The Sketch
The Design
The Present
The Revise
However, I am a firm believer in ending things with 9 steps. Therefore my steps in a process to solving anything are:
The mindset that nothing is impossible
The Brief
The Research
The mindset to think outside the box
The Sketch
The Design
The Testing with an open mind.
The Present
The Revise

Brooke & Fielding | Married
-Brooke and Fielding have been married for three years now, and both work different hours during the work week.
-They are both expecting their first child in January 2020.
-Overbuying groceries and household essentials has a problem. They now need a new system to manage the household list before their first child arrives.
-Since they work different hours, Brooke would not like to wait from her husband while she is at the grocery store for her husband to respond so she can get in and get out of the store with what they need.